Steve Barnett
Steve brings an unprecedented 20+ years’ experience of leading some of the largest Financial Crime Prevention related transformation programmes in the industry.
Consequently, Steve has extensive experience in assisting financial institutions in their Regulatory interactions and also with their responses to enforcement actions, both in the UK and also overseas.
Steve’s passion is fighting Financial Crime and helping financial institutions with that fight, he strongly believes this is a social, and not a competitive issue, and that collaboration is the key to success.
Steve describes himself first and foremost as a change practitioner. However, his significant Financial Crime subject matter knowledge has seen him perform operational roles including, the Global Head of Transaction Monitoring and Analytics, the Global Head of Anti-Financial Crime Transformation & Remediation, and the Chief Operating Officer for Legal and Compliance, at Global, Tier 1 Banks.

John Flynn
John is an industry recognised financial crime practitioner with over 25 years of experience in the creation and operation of financial crime frameworks in both the public and private sectors.
In that time, John was the FCA approved MLRO for Aviva, BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank, and was awarded “MLRO of the Year” in 2009 by Complinet.
John brings an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of financial crime applied in the Corporate and Investment Banking, Wealth Management, Asset Management, Security & Custody Services, Asset Leasing, Factoring, Commercial Real Estate, and Life and General Insurance sectors.
John is also a frequent commentator and presenter on financial crime, contributing to a number of books and periodicals, as well as being an active participant in trade associations and regulatory forums.

Anthony Lamont
Anthony is an innovative and highly skilled training manager, with an unprecedented 20+ years experience in Financial Crime related training.
Anthony also has the distinction of having successfully led some of the largest Financial Crime training programmes in the UK banking sector, and has also delivered training initiatives for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
During this time Anthony has helped a number of financial institutions in the fulfilment of Financial Crime training requirements resulting from regulatory enforcement actions through the development and delivery of blended training solutions across all Financial Crime categories, as well as successfully leading a number broader Financial Crime awareness and culture change programmes.

Graham Hooper OBE
Graham is an acknowledged leader in the Anti Financial Crime domain, with unparalleled private and public sector experience, spanning 5 decades.
During that time Graham has developed and implemented Financial Crime Prevention, Fraud and Security Management strategies for Lloyds Banking Group, where he was also the Deputy MLRO, Barclays, Alliance & Leicester, Fujitsu/ICL and for the Department for Work and Pensions.
However it has been Graham’s work in promoting the UK’s Financial Crime agenda, as Chair of UK Finance’s Money Laundering Advisory Panel (MLAP), the UK Retail Banks’ representative on the Government’s Money Laundering Advisory Committee (MLAC), the Deputy Chair of the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG), and as a founder member of the Management Board of the Joint Money Laundering Intelligence Taskforce (JMLIT) that contributed to his OBE appointment in 2019.