Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption

The goal of this Handbook is to map a variety of anti-corruption practices in EU Member States (MS) that have proved to be useful in solving problems related to corruption, and which can inspire similar initiatives elsewhere. For this purpose, one good anti-corruption practice either established or innovative, with positive impact aspirations in each EU Member State was selected, and clustered into eight types of anti-corruption approaches. The Handbook is structured along these identified types. Each chapter consists of a theoretical part about the respective type of anti-corruption approach and is illustrated by corresponding case studies. To ensure transferability, analysis of the case studies focuses on implementation mechanisms, the estimated costs of such a practice, and its outcomes and limitations. This Handbook has been a collaborative effort between the research team at Ecorys and Local Research Correspondents on Corruption (LRCC) in each Member State. This ensured an “insider understanding” of the context of each case study. This was done through desk research and expert interviews (n=30) conducted between April 2022 and October 2022.
Article Credit: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/df1a5278-ac18-11ed-b508-01aa75ed71a1